Wednesday, September 29, 2010
The Dress

Tears of Joy & A Thank You
Nana Sharon
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The Cupcakes Are Coming!
Cupcake Royale , Bake It Pretty, & Cupcakes Take The Cake . I've made a couple great recipes that were on the Cupcakes Take The Cake blog. Have fun looking.
In case you haven't guessed where it's at yet, it's in downtown Stanwood. Down the street from the police station. I'll keep you updated on when they will open.
I'll be back soon. Another quilt & a thank you(that sneaky Secret Pal) to post.
Vintage Valentine
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Slideshow & a Quilting Rock Star
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This free slideshow made with Smilebox |
Batting Drop
Wanda from Heartbeat Quilting brings batting to Innovations for us to buy. It's great because we save the cost of shipping. There was just one slight problem. We were parked several levels down from where the batting was. Leave it to Jenny & Pam to come up with a great solution.
They were parked on the first level of the parking garage & the batting was in the parking lot on the roof. Pam dropped 5 rolls of batting down to Jenny. She did a fine job being very careful to drop them on the side & not crush the tube inside the roll. They loaded theirs into the van & then came across the street to get mine down to me.
I parked under the Convention Center 3 stories down from where the batting started. It sure was easier than carrying the awkward roll down stairs across parking lots.
I'm sure you are asking yourself, Why didn't they just move their cars? Wanda went down to get batting certain times during the day & we would've had to find another place to park & pay more for parking!
Laundry & quilting are calling. Later! Sharon
Food Fun & Friends
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Every Quilt Has A Story
Many of you know that when someone says the quilt top is made out of clothing scraps that some of us might be running straight for the bottle of Zanex. I waited patiently for the top to arrive & was pleasantly surprised! It was such beautiful piecing. All seams neatly pressed open, corners matched, no "mountains" in the middle of the quilt! It was my lucky day.
Virginia was a seamstress who made clothes for her daughters. They were living in Hawaii at the time she pieced this. Her husband was in Korea serving in the military. Her daughter, Katie, has pictures of herself in the dresses made from the fabrics that are in the quilt. While I was quilting this it was like a trip down memory lane. I saw fabrics like Kettle Cloth & Trigger mixed in with the bold florals.
Tomorrow is Virginia's 88th birthday. She's has had a lot of changes in her life this past year. A husband who is now living in an Alzheimer's facility & she in Assisted Living. Not easy as some of us know. So tomorrow I'll be thinking of Virginia & her memory quilt & hope that the quilt brings her the love & comfort she deserves on her special day.
I'm sorry the label is so bright. The camera & I are just not getting along these days.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Fall-O-Ween Blog Hop

Saturday, September 11, 2010
The Final Tally-64
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
It's Official, I'm Crazy
I promise I'll get more pictures later. The wedding is Oct 4th, so I won't be there. It's Little Mister's birthday celebration that weekend.
I'm going into Stanwood for a photo op this afternoon with all of the quilts Susan quilted during her Quiltathon for AHQ. I will be sharing them tomorrow in a new post.
On the countdown to sunshine. 22 days to Nanaland.....................Sharon
Monday, September 6, 2010
Quiltathon Update
I'll post a final tally later in the week.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Wedding & Baby
Friday, September 3, 2010
AHQ Quiltathon
All of the quilts go to wounded soldiers, mostly at the Wounded Warrior Unit at Ft Lewis. Some have been sent to Bagram in Afghanistan. Check here & here for moving testimonials about these lovely quilts. You might need a kleenex.
I"ll be back soon. 26 days & counting...........................Nana Sharon
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My New Alarm Clock
About 3 weeks ago we lost our darling DC. As Mr S says "The rodents in the neighborhood are celebrating." It was just too quiet & sad not having her around so off to CASA we went. The reader board said 13 kittens. It was our lucky day. The "kitten room" was a blur of activity & color. We picked out our 2, filled out the 3 page adoption application & they were ours.
They look really innocent in this picture. Not always the case.