Sunday, March 8, 2009

More quilts

I've been practicing my "swirly-girly" thing again. This time Miss Paula's Pumpkin Stack was the one! And below that is Melba's latest quilt for a grandson, just in case you were falling asleep!
Don't forget to check out webshots. I should be done soon!............Sharon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With your permission I'd like to add your blog to the blog page of my new quilting directory, Quilt Qua : You can let me know if you'd like to be included. If you would like to be on the top "featured" list, you simply need to let me know you've made mention, or placed a link on your site, back to Quilt Qua. I can send you a graphic if you'd like one for that purpose.

I look forward to hearing from you. Please note photos are always welcome on the Show and Tell page , and do let me know if I've missed your business to list on the web site!

Thank you,
Connie Colten
Quilt Qua