Is it tomorrow yet? I thought I would be able to get another blog post up. I'm not sure what happened. Oh, I almost forgot. I think the roller coaster went by & nabbed me again. More on that later.
This is Heather with her Snowbound Snow Globe wall hanging. Kathy S made it for her. Heather had a fire at her house a while back & lost her collection of snow globes. I thought it was a great way to use the snowmen.

Here are some of my blocks. I have no embellishments yet. They are too hard for the long arm quilter to work around. I am making all of mine patriotic. No surprise,right? This one is July. I made my own variegated thread.

Would you call this a flagsicle or a flag pop? It does need it's own name. Much easier to applique than a heart.

Thank you Norada for the suggestion of putting this fabric on the bias. Yes, I know his hat looks funny. It will be different after it's quilted.

Here is the first half of the quilt. I put it together at a recent GNO.

Oh, the roller coaster. Dad's AC unit that I put in his room went out on Friday. It was only 2 years old & I got it at Costco. So I loaded up the old one, dropped it on my toe unloading it at Costco & got a new one. Does it never end? The answer is no. I'm ready for the
See you again soon with some quilt show news..................Sharon
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